Meet Justin – Grant Halliburton Foundation’s 2023 summer intern. Justin will soon be a sophomore at Greenhill School and sees mental health as an important part of life that he believes is not discussed enough in society. Justin is curious about the ways the Foundation helps people with their mental health, and he wants to make a difference in how mental wellness is viewed in the world.
Here are 10 things to know about Justin!
1. What are your areas of interest in a future career?
One of my biggest areas of interest is mental health because it is important to living a healthy life. This is one of the reasons I decided to apply for an internship at Grant Halliburton Foundation, and I intend to pursue mental health in the future. Another big interest of mine is STEM subjects. Science and math have always been interesting to me, and I enjoy learning more about them. I also plan to engage in STEM throughout my life either as a hobby or career.
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is reading fantasy novels. Some of my favorite fantasy novels are “Scythe” and “The Poppy War” series.
3. What advice would you give to your teenage self?
Though I am still young, I do have some advice for my even younger self. Throughout my time in elementary and early middle school, I always looked forward to the future and couldn’t wait to grow up and go to high school. However, looking back, I miss my time as a young child who had less work and responsibilities. So, if I could give some advice to my younger self, I would tell him to relish his early years and to remain engaged in the moment.
4. What’s your favorite movie scene and why?
I have watched a lot of movies and have several that I consider my favorites. However, one of my favorite scenes from a recent movie, is the scene in “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” where Miles escapes Miguel and decides to make his own destiny. It was inspirational how Miles chose to carve his own path and didn’t bend to the will of others.
5. What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
People may be surprised to know that one of my favorite things to do is watch musicals and theater performances. I have seen “Moulin Rouge” and “Hamilton,” and this summer I look forward to seeing “Sweeney Todd.”
“If I could give some advice to my younger self, I would tell him to relish his early years and to remain engaged in the moment. ”
6. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
I would title my autobiography “Learning How to Grow.” Growing up, I have learned how to adjust to challenges or obstacles in my way. Just this past year I experienced my first year of high school, and in that experience, I learned how to work with more freedom and manage my time. With events such as the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting my life, I have had to adjust and learn how to grow to meet these challenges, which is why I would name my autobiography as such. However, I still have a lot to experience, and as I continue to get older, the name of my autobiography will surely change.
7. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at school or work?
One of my favorite things to do while I am not at school or work is play video games. Recently, I enjoyed playing the new Zelda game, “Tears of the Kingdom.” I also enjoy playing online games with my friends like Minecraft and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege.
8. What are your top three TV shows you’re streaming right now?
Though I am not watching too many shows right now, my top three favorite TV shows of all time are “The Office,” “Community,” and “Parks and Recreation,” which are all sitcoms about different groups of people. I enjoy all of them because they are all comedic, but each has a unique twist and style.
9. Where’s your favorite travel destination and why?
My favorite travel destination is Taiwan. My mother and father’s families both originate from Taiwan and my mother was born there. Before the pandemic we traveled there, and I was amazed by the beautiful scenery and delicious food. I enjoyed meeting many of my relatives and seeing the place where my mother grew up. This summer, my family plans to return to Taiwan, and I am excited to see my relatives and enjoy exploring the wonderful island.
10. Why is Grant Halliburton Foundation’s mission important to you?
The mission of Grant Halliburton Foundation is centered around helping people with their mental health and educating people about mental health issues. These ideas align with my own and are important to me. I have seen the effects of mental health issues through my family, and I know that mental health is an important topic that also has a lot of stigma surrounding it. I believe that through the Foundation’s mission, the stigma surrounding mental health can be broken, and people who need help will be able to find it.